Write fast backup tool with C#
Today I want to demonstrate how you can program a backup tool using just a few lines of C# code.
Back in the day when I used Microsoft Windows a lot for work, I used robocopy for my backups.
There is indeed rsync on UNIX- and Linux systems already, however, I would like to use a tool that is simple, platform-independent, and can be customized according to my needs.
You need the latest version of .NET SDK 8.0 or later before you can compile and/or run the tool.
The application mirrors a source directory to a target:
- copies recursively
- only copies files, if targets have different file sizes and/or timestamps
- removes files and directories in target, which cannot be found in source anymore
The code can be found at GitHub.
Check the repository out, switch to its root directory and execute
dotnet run -- /path/to/source/directory /path/to/target/directory
in your terminal.
If you want to compile it, execute
dotnet build --configuration Release
instead, which will produce an fb
or fb.exe
(Windows) executable file in bin/Release/net8.0
You can you copy this file to a folder, which is part of your PATH environment variable. This makes it possible to run the tool from everywhere:
fb /path/to/source/directory /path/to/target/directory
# or shorter from source directory:
# fb /path/to/target/directory
Each important step is logged to the console, including a final summary.
You can pipe this information to a file:
fb ./src ./dest > backup-logs.txt
As one of the next features, I will implement encrypting the target files and directories using a password.
Have fun trying it out!