Yesterday, I gave an overview of the topic that I would like to write about as a continuation.

With this small post I want to show how easy it is to setup a WebAssembly project with Rust, as it is one of the most favorite alternatives to AssemblyScript.


For all of this we first need the Rust compiler with Cargo package manager.

WASM Compiler

With wasm-pack exists a compiler, which build .wasm files from Rust code and additionally create the corresponding JavaScript modules + TypeScript declaration files.

To install the application, run

cargo install wasm-pack

in your terminal.

Execution of

wasm-pack --version

will display the installed version and indirectly check if CLI tool works correctly.

Create the Rust project

For my demo project, I run

cargo new --lib wasm-in-rust

to create a new library project.

I replaced the initial example file with content of src/

use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;

/// Squares a number.
/// # Arguments
/// * `val` - The input value.
pub fn pow2(val: i32) -> i32 {
    val * val  // simple return

Before this worked, I had to update the Cargo.toml file, with information about the library type (cdylib) and the module I need (wasm-bindgen):

name = "wasm-in-rust"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

crate-type = ["cdylib"]

wasm-bindgen = "0.2.92"

Build and run the project

Final .wasm files can be created for 2 different main targets:

On the one hand for websites, for which you executes the command

wasm-pack build --target web

in your terminal and on the other hand for Node.js environments by executing

wasm-pack build --target nodejs

To simplify this, I added two NPM scripts in package.json file:

  • npm run start: executes the code of index.ts
  • npm run start:web: starts a new webserver at http://localhost:3000/, which provides the content of index.html, that itself includes the WASM module from wasm.js

Both scripts do a build before anything is started and executed.


Rust can often be the better solution for implementing more complex WebAssembly modules than AssemblyScript.

Fortunately, setting up projects through existing tools and compilers is also very easy.

Have fun while trying it out! 🎉